Policies and Procedures




The Krivo School of Hockey is a developmental academy designed to provide hockey players with high-intensity skating and hockey training in a mastery climate. Our school is a birth year based program that believes that hockey is taught in phases and that each phase contains skills and milestones that must be met. We practice our students more aggressively than the typical recreation league and concentrate on individual skills development instead of playing a high volume of games. Our goal is to foster positive growth as an athlete and as a person in an environment where our students are challenged on the ice, improving their skills and giving maximum effort.  


Krivo School of Hockey, LLC is a developmental academy designed to provide hockey players with high-intensity skating and hockey training in a mastery climate. Our goal is to foster positive growth as an athlete and as a person in an environment where our players are having fun, improving their skills and giving maximum effort.  


To provide each individual with an opportunity to work hard, grow as a hockey player; understand what it means and what it takes to be a valued member of a team, and to learn life lessons in a disciplined and supportive environment. It is our goal to give each player a positive experience and help him/her gain the necessary skills to compete at an elite level on a national/international basis. We also strive to help prepare each individual player for the next step in his or her hockey career. 


1. To help young athletes develop 

a. Physically, by learning the skills of the sport of hockey, to improve their physical conditioning, to develop good health habits and healthy lifestyle, and to avoid injuries.

b. Psychologically, by learning to control their bodies and emotions, develop feelings of selfworth and interact with others in a positive manner. 

c. Socially, by learning cooperation in a competitive environment, by developing team-building skills, developing appropriate personal standards of behavior, appropriate life skills and developing sportsmanship. 

2. To hold players to a high level of expectation and commitment to instill a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. 

3. To create and environment where all players develop while being competitive and successful in the sport of hockey. 


In participating in the Krivo School of Hockey, all players and parents are required to demonstrate a strong dedication to hockey and a strong desire to develop hockey skills. The purpose of the program is to provide a high-intensity program for player development and training. The program involves daily practices, dry land training, and travel and team development. This program is not the same as recreational interest hockey programs. The school’s focus is on skating development and not game play. Participation in this program means sacrificing other things in order to develop the sport of elite hockey. This includes but is not limited to school sports, other organized sports or teams and various organized winter recreational events. Player attendance is required and expected. Failure to abide by these requirements may result in sanctions being taken by Krivo School of Hockey or a player’s removal from the school.  


Krivo School of Hockey, is a limited liability company registered with the State of Colorado. Because it is a limited liability company, Krivo School of Hockey does not have bylaws. Andrei Krivokrasov is the head coach of all teams and has the final say regarding any matter concerning Krivo School of Hockey.  

Andrei Krivokrasov has developed the Krivo School of Hockey’s Policies and Procedures. These Policies and Procedures may be modified by Andrei Krivokrasov at any time to further comply with the rules and 

regulations of USA Hockey and CAHA, and otherwise to promote the best interests of the school. 

Krivo School of Hockey will abide by and act in accordance with its own Policies and Procedures and with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and Playing Rules of USA Hockey and CAHA. 

Krivo School of Hockey coaches and players shall be registered with USA HOCKEY and CAHA.  


Krivo School of Hockey operates in cooperation with Colorado Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA) and USA Hockey. Maximum membership for the 2024-2025 season is 100 +players. As an Association, Krivo School of Hockey will field a maximum of 6 teams for the 2024-25 season.  

All teams shall be registered with USA Hockey and CAHA. 

VIII. POTENTIAL LEAGUE/TOURNAMENT PARTICIPATION: For the 2024-25 season, Krivo School of Hockey will remain an unaffiliated Association with no membership to a Colorado League and therefore will not participate in league play. However, the team is hoping to participate in tournaments and non-league scrimmages with other CAHA affiliates/associations. 


All Krivo School of Hockey team participants are expected to travel to all tournaments entered by the school. All travel expenses, including transportation, food and lodging and any coach’s expenses and fees over and above those specified as being covered in the registration fees, are the responsibility of the individual player and not of the program. 


All Krivo School of Hockey coaches are USA Hockey certified and are screened and selected by Andrei Krivokrasov.


All Krivo School of Hockey teams will practice approximately 4-5 hours per week. Krivo School of Hockey has secured permanent ice time at The Ice Ranch in Littleton, CO. 


Each Krivo School of Hockey team will be selected through on-ice tryout that is open to all players registered with USA Hockey. Each prospect and their parents must sign a Tryout Registration Form and prove USA Hockey Certification. Each age level will skate at least 2 hours on-ice during which they will be evaluated as to their skating skills, development potential and attitude through a series of drills and skating exercises. The players will then be divided into teams and observed through a series of team scrimmages. Evaluators will be Andrei Krivokrasov and possibly assistant team coaches. Immediately following the ice sessions, the evaluators will meet and make team selections. The team selections will be posted within 48 hours. Team parent meetings will follow and families will be provided information sheets, sign commitment letters and pay registration fees. At anytime during the season (consistent with USA Hockey rules), a new player may be added to a team. 

XIII. FINANCIAL REPORTING, REGISTRATION FEES AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Krivo School of Hockey is a For- Profit entity and not subject to the non for profit entity financial reporting. Andrei Krivokrasov shall determine all Krivo School of Hockey registration fees. Registration documents shall be distributed by the Registrar and all forms can be found on the school’s website. The monthly fee for participants is approximately $450-$550, depending on the team’s practice schedule and number of participants. 


There shall be NO REFUNDS for anyone who has signed a commitment letter to play for Krivo School of Hockey, except as required by USA Hockey. Fees are based on a monthly rate spread out over the defined season. 


Each year, before the fall hockey season begins, Krivo School of Hockey will have a meeting about the upcoming season. Krivo School of Hockey will provide each player with an agenda for the meeting at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. At the meeting, Krivo School of Hockey will distribute all documents. 

Because Krivo School of Hockey consists of sixty (60) or fewer players, there are few, if any issues, upon which need a vote. Andrei Krivokrasov will make decisions pertaining to the Krivo School of Hockey. If a matter is submitted to a vote of the players/parents, then each player, in good standing, shall have one vote. Thus, there will be one vote per player, not per parent. If there is a tie, Andrei Krivokrasov may vote to break the tie. 

XVI. USA HOCKEY REGISTRATION AND INSURANCE INFORMATION: Krivo School of Hockey is USA Hockey sanctioned and a member of Colorado Amateur Hockey Association. All Krivo School of Hockey players must be validly registered with USA Hockey for the current  

season so they carry the USA Hockey General Liability, Excess Accident, and catastrophic coverage provided to them as members of USA Hockey. Additional insurance coverage required by international tournaments will be provided by Krivo School of Hockey.  


All Krivo School of Hockey participants, parents, guardians, spectators and coaches must comply with all directives contained in the Krivo School of Hockey Code of Conduct policies and the USA Hockey ZERO Tolerance Policy. Every player and parent in our Program will be held accountable for his or her behavior. The Executive Committee has the authority to issue disciplinary action against any participant, parent, guardian, spectator, or coach who is in violation of any of these directives and/or policies. This action may include, but is not limited to, written reprimands, suspensions, and removal from the program, and/or expulsion from the Krivo School of Hockey.



1. Players must always represent Krivo School of Hockey, LLC with class and dignity.  

2. Players will accept and will not dispute or argue any decision by an official or coach. Players will respect the coaches, teammates, parents, opponents, spectators, facility employees and officials and understand that at no time is it appropriate to challenge decisions.  

3. Players must always display good sportsmanship and play in the spirit of the game. Players’ actions must never deliberately jeopardize the safety and well being of opponents, teammates, officials, spectators, coaches or any other individual.  

4. Players must strive to be a team player.  

5. Players will control their tempers on and off the ice. Obscene/abusive language and inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated in or around the rink.  

6. Work hard, play hard and always be a good sport. 

7. Players will maintain a high academic standard or risk removal from school. 


Player Signature  

Parent/Guardian Signature Date 



The Parent Code of Conduct applies to all practices, games, tournaments, clinics and any other related activity in which your child participates. It is your responsibility to behave appropriately and respectfully toward all players, coaches, parents, spectators, officials or employees and property of any facility where events are being held. Failure to comply with this code of conduct may result in your child’s expulsion from the Krivo School of Hockey, LLC without refund.  

As a parent/guardian, I pledge: 

1. To refrain from using obscene or vulgar language in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time.  

2. To refrain from taunting players, parents, spectators, facility employees, coaches or officials by means of baiting, ridiculing, criticizing, threatening physical violence or enacting physical violence.  

3. To refrain from throwing any object in the spectators viewing area, players bench, penalty box, locker room, on-ice surface or anywhere on the premises of a facility where an event is held that in any manner that creates a safety hazard. 

4. To fully support and positively reinforce the efforts and feedback of the team coaches. This includes refraining from interfering with coaching activities on and off the ice. I will not coach my children from the stands or offer incentives for performance. Even if my intentions are good, it is disruptive to the coach and other skaters and inhibits progress and player growth.  

5. To watch all practices and games from the viewing area. I will not stand by the ice at the glass as this is disruptive to coaches and skaters. Parents are strictly prohibited from the players’ bench. 

6. To fully support and comply with USA Hockey Zero Tolerance Policy. 


Parent/Guardian Name______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________ Date_______________________________________________


Krivo School of Hockey will implement the CAHA sanctioned and approved Abuse Program. There shall be no physical or sexual abuse of any participant involved in any sanctioned programs or events by any employee, volunteer or official.  

Physical abuse means physical contact with a participant that intentionally causes the participant to sustain bodily harm or personal injury. Physical abuse also includes physical contact with a participant that intentionally creates a threat of immediate bodily harm or personal injury. Physical abuse does not include physical contact that is reasonably designed to coach, teach or demonstrate a hockey skill. Permitted physical conduct may include, but is not necessarily limited to, shooting pucks at a goaltender, demonstrating checking and other hockey skills and communicating with or directing participants during the course of a game or practice by touching them in a non-threatening, non-sexual manner. 

Sexual abuse of a minor participant occurs when an employee, volunteer or official touches a minor participant for the purpose of causing the sexual arousal or gratification of either the minor participant or the employee, volunteer or official. Sexual abuse of a minor participant also occurs when a minor player touches an employee, volunteers or official for the sexual arousal or sexual gratification of either the minor participant or the employee, volunteer or official, if the touching occurs at the request or with the consent of the employee, volunteer or official. Neither consent of the minor participant to the sexual contact, mistake as to the participant’s age, nor the fact that the sexual contact did not take place at a hockey function are defenses to a complaint of sexual abuse.  

Upon proof of violation of this program, the violator will be permanently banned or suspended from Krivo School of Hockey, CAHA and USA Hockey sanctioned programs and events and/or the program(s) of its Member Teams or Associations


Employee Protection (Whistleblower) Policy 

If any employee reasonably believes that some policy, practice, or activity of Krivo School of Hockey is in violation of law; a written complaint must be filed by that employee with Andrei Krivokrasov, Thais Krivokrasov or any other employee of the Krivo School of Hockey. It is the intent of Krivo School of Hockey to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the organization and the underlying purpose of this policy is to support the organization’s goal of legal compliance. The support of all employees is necessary to achieving compliance with various laws and regulations. An employee is protected from retaliation only if the employee brings the alleged unlawful activity, policy, or practice to the attention of Krivo School of Hockey and provides the Krivo School of Hockey with a reasonable opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity. The protection described below is only available to employees that comply with this requirement.  

Krivo School of Hockey will not retaliate against an employee who in good faith, has made a protest or raised a complaint against some practice of Krivo School of Hockey, or of another individual or entity with whom Krivo School of Hockey has a business relationship, on the basis of a reasonable belief that the practice is in violation of law, or a clear mandate of public policy. 

Krivo School of Hockey will not retaliate against employees who disclose or threaten to disclose to a supervisor or a public body, any activity, policy, or practice of Krivo School of Hockey that the employee reasonably believes is in violation of a law, or a rule, or regulation mandated pursuant to law or is in violation of a clear mandate of public policy concerning the health, safety, welfare, or protection of the environment. 

My signature below indicates my receipt and understanding of this policy. I also verify that I have been provided with an opportunity to ask questions about the policy. 

___________________________________ _____________ 

Employee Signature Date


Conflicts of interest have the potential to cause legal problems as well as embarrassment for Krivo School of Hockey. While transactions or rendering decisions involving conflicts of interest are not prohibited, they must be duly considered by Andrei Krivokrasov and the Krivo School of Hockey based on disclosures as may be required by Krivo School of Hockey. This conflict of interest policy is intended to help coaches, employees, volunteers, and certain other persons to identify situations that present possible conflicts of interest and to provide Krivo School of Hockey, with a procedure whereby such potential conflicts may be reviewed by an appropriate party when necessary. Part II of the policy is intended to take advantage of certain statutory procedures which protects certain conflicted transactions from subsequent legal challenge

Part I – Definitions 

Conflict of Interest 

A “Conflict of Interest” exists when a Responsible Person is called upon by someone in a position of authority to act on a transaction or render a decision to which Krivo School of Hockey would be a party, where the Responsible Person’s actions or relationships present the potential for improper personal gain or advantage for a member of his family, a close friend, or team on which the Responsible Person’s family member or close friend’s family member plays, or where the Responsible Person’s actions or relationships present the potential for an adverse effect on the interests of Krivo School of Hockey.  

Although it is impossible to list every circumstance giving rise to a Conflict of Interest, the following will serve as a guide to the types of transactions and relationships that create Conflicts of Interest.  

“Class A” Conflicts of Interest relate to transactions in which a Responsible Person has a direct conflict of interest.  

“Class B” Conflicts of Interest involve relationships or  

transactions that create indirect conflicts of interest.


Class A Conflicts 

A transaction or rendering a decision between Krivo School of Hockey and a Responsible Person, team member or Family Member. 

A transaction between Krivo School of Hockey and an entity (other than a Related Organization) or individual in or of which a Responsible Person or Family Member has a material financial interest or is a director, officer, agent, partner, associate, trustee, personal  

representative, receiver, guardian, team member, close family friend, custodian, conservator or other legal representative. 

Class B Conflicts 

A Responsible Person’s actions or involvement competing with Krivo School of Hockey or a Related Organization in the rendering of services or in any other transaction with a third party. 

A Responsible Person having a material financial interest in an entity or individual that competes with Krivo School of Hockey or a Related Organization in the provision of services or in any other transaction with a third party 

A Responsible Person accepting gifts, excessive entertainment or other favors from any individual or entity that does, or is seeking to do, business with Krivo School of Hockey or a Related Organization, under circumstances where it might be inferred that such action was intended to influence or possibly would influence the Responsible Person in his or her duties to this corporation. This does not preclude the acceptance of items of nominal or insignificant value that are clearly tokens of respect or friendship and not related to any actual or potential transaction or activity of this corporation or a Related Organization. A list of examples 


of the foregoing types of transactions is set forth in Part V. 

Control: “Control” exists if one organization or individual: Owns, directly or indirectly, at least 50 percent of the  

stock ownership or membership interests of another  


Has the right, directly or indirectly, to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of another  

organization, whether through the ownership of voting interests, by contract, or otherwise. 

Family Member: A “Family Member” is a spouse, parent, child or a spouse of a child, brother, sister or spouse of a brother or sister or child of a brother or sister, of a  

Responsible Person. 

Related Organization: A “Related Organization” is an entity, team or program that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Krivo School of Hockey. 

Responsible Person: A “Responsible Person” is any person who holds one or more of the following positions with respect to Krivo School of Hockey, or a Related  




Member of a Committee 

Coach or Manager 


Any other person, including a parent who is determined by Andrei Krivokrasov to be subject to this policy. 

Part II – Standards and Procedures 

Report to Andrei Krivokrasov: Each Responsible Person who has or anticipates having a Conflict of Interest shall report the Conflict of Interest to Andrei Krivokrasov or to an individual or committee designated by Andrei Krivokrasov, immediately upon 


identifying the Conflict of Interest. A Conflict of Interest identified by a Responsible Person shall be reported immediately. Class A Conflicts : Class A Conflicts of Interest by an owner or manager of Krivo School of Hockey, shall be reported by the Responsible Person, to Andrei Krivokrasov, his designee, or, if appropriate, to an employee or coach of the Krivo School of Hockey, such person or a committee as designated by Andrei Krivokrasov shall consider the Conflict of Interest in accordance with the following procedures

If the person who has the Class A Conflict of Interest is present at the meeting at which the transaction involving the Conflict of Interest is to be considered, such person shall disclose to the person or committee all facts  

material to the conflict of interest. Such disclosure shall be reflected in any minutes of the meeting. 

If the person who has the Class A Conflict of Interest is not present, or has not made the disclosure required by the preceding paragraph, Andrei Krivokrasov or his designee shall disclose to Andrei Krivokrasov or his designee or designated committee all known facts material to the Conflict of Interest. Such disclosure shall be reflected in any meeting minutes. 

A person who has a Conflict of Interest shall not be counted in determining the presence or absence of a quorum for purposes of the vote. The person having a Conflict of Interest shall not vote on the transaction. Such person’s ineligibility to vote shall be reflected in any minutes of the meeting.  

The transaction or relationship shall be approved only if it receives the affirmative vote, in good faith, of Andrei Krivokrasov or a majority of all of the members of a committee he designates, as the case may be. The  

approval may be given before, after, or concurrently with the transaction that involves a Conflict of Interest. 

In the event that the number of persons having Conflicts of Interest with respect to a particular transaction is so large that it is impossible to obtain a quorum, or the number of votes necessary for approval as described in 


paragraph 4, then the transaction shall be approved only upon the unanimous vote of the disinterested persons on the committee, provided that there are at least two  

disinterested persons on the committee. The minutes of the meeting shall reflect an analysis of the fairness and reasonableness of the transaction as to this corporation. The procedure described in this section is intended to  

comply with the requirements of any statutory provision which provides for authorization, approval, and  

ratification of certain transactions involving Conflicts of Interest. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this section and those statutory provisions, the statutory provisions shall govern. 

Other Councils: Andrei Krivokrasov shall take such action as he deems appropriate with respect to reported Conflicts of Interest involving persons other than those described above.  

Part III – Confidentiality 

A. Nondisclosure Policy: Each Responsible Person shall exercise care not to disclose confidential  

information acquired in connection with such status  

or information, the disclosure of which might be  

adverse to the interests of Krivo School of Hockey.  

No Responsible Person shall use confidential  

information for his or her personal gain. Example  

forwarding email or discussing a member’s potential  

disciplinary status or outcome or potential for  


B. Types of Confidential Information: The following types of information received by a Responsible  

Person in the performance of his or her  

responsibilities as a Responsible Person shall be  

treated as confidential unless otherwise determined  

by the Board:


i. Information regarding the appointment,  

discipline or termination of employees,  

Coaches, Volunteers. 

ii. Evaluations and compensation of any Coach,  

Volunteer or Director. 

iii. Information regarding actions or potential  

actions against any member.  

iv. Information about contractual relationships  

with third parties. 

The foregoing is not intended to be a complete list of all the types of information that may be considered  


C. Failure to Comply: Any owner, manager, officer, coach, employee, or member of a committee or  

member of Krivo School of Hockey, who fails to  

comply with the provisions of this Part III shall be  

subject to such sanction as Andrei Krivokrasov or a  

committee designated by him determines is  

appropriate. Any other person who is subject to this  

policy and who fails to comply with it shall be  

subject to discipline, termination of employment  

removal from a committee, or such other sanction as Andrei Krivokrasov or a committee designated by  

him deems appropriate. 

Part IV – Administration of Policy 

A. New Directors: Each new Responsible Person shall be required to review a copy of this policy and to  

acknowledge in writing that he or she has done so. 

B. Annual Review: This policy shall be reviewed  

annually by Andrei Krivokrasov or a committee  

designated by him. Any changes to the policy shall be communicated immediately to all Responsible  


Part V – Examples of Conflicts of Interest 

A. Class A


1. A transaction between Krivo School of Hockey, and a Responsible Person or Family Member. Example: The Executive Committee approves an agreement for the provision of consulting services by a member of the Board of Directors of Krivo School of Hockey. 

2. A transaction between Krivo School of Hockey, and an entity (other than a Related Organization) or individual, in or of which a Responsible Person or Family Member has a material financial interest, or is a director, officer, agent, partner, associate, trustee, personal representative, receiver, guardian, custodian, conservator or other legal representative. Example: The Executive Committee approves an investment management agreement with a company of which a Krivo School of Hockey, Director is the Vice President/Director. 

B. Class B 

1. A Responsible Person competing with Krivo School of Hockey, or a Related Organization in the rendering of services or in any other transaction with a third party. Example: An officer of Krivo School of Hockey, agrees with another National Governing Body to promote the National Governing Body in talks with potential sponsors or licensees. 

2. A Responsible Person having a material financial interest in an entity or individual that competes with Krivo School of Hockey, or a Related Organization in the provision of services or in any other transaction with a third party. Example: The spouse of an officer of Krivo School of Hockey is an investor in a licensing agency company that attempts to obtain sponsors or licenses for clients other than Krivo School of Hockey. 

3. A Responsible Person accepting gifts, excessive  

entertainment or other favors from an individual or entity that does, or is seeking to do, business with USA Hockey, Inc., or a Related Organization, under circumstances where it might be inferred that such action was intended to influence or possibly would influence the Responsible 


Person in his or her duties to this corporation. This does not preclude the acceptance of items of nominal or insignificant value that are clearly tokens of respect or friendship and not related to any actual or potential transaction or activity of this corporation or a Related Organization. Example: The Executive Committee is offered free use of a lake home belonging to the President/Director of an organization that has a finance proposal under review by Krivo School of Hockey

Please note: At this time, there is no Executive  

Committee and no Board of Directors. Andrei  

Krivokrasov is the sole decision maker. If Andrei  

Krivokrasov designates an individual or committee, they will act accordingly, and the above examples will be more applicable. 

Part VI – Acknowledgement of Conflict of Interest Policy 

The undersigned hereby acknowledges that he or she has read the attached, The Krivo School of Hockey Conflict of Interest Policy, has had an opportunity to ask any questions that he or she may have about the policy, and understands and agrees to comply with the policy. Signature: ____________________________________________  

Date: _______________ 

Print Name: __________________________



Krivo School of hockey is committed to creating a positive hockey experience for our young athletes and their parents. Even with good and open communication conflicts may arise. Although we strive to make these instances rare, we know they will happen. The grievance resolution procedure is as follows: 

1. Follow the 24-hour rule. An aggrieved person must wait until at least twenty-four (24) hours (the "Cooling Off Period") after the incident occurred to proceed with a Grievance claim. After the Cooling Off Period passes, the Complainant may start the formal Grievance process. Krivo School of Hockey implemented the requirement that the Cooling Off Period must pass before the formal Grievance process can be initiated not to make it difficult to initiate a Grievance, but to discourage frivolous Grievances from being initiated since Krivo School of Hockey expects persons to file a Grievance only under serious and/or difficult  


2. After the Cooling Off Period has passed, Complainant is encouraged to discuss the Grievance Incident with their team manager, if there is a team manager, to determine if a resolution of the Grievance is possible. 

3. If Complainant is not a satisfied with the resolution of the Grievance Incident and Complainant still wishes to pursue a Grievance further, then Complainant must communicate that information to the team manager, if there is one. If there is not a team manager, the Complainant may speak to Andrei Krivokrasov. 

4. The Team Manager or Andrei Krivokrasov will work to resolve the issue with Andrei Krivokrasov and the parties involved. Andrei Krivokrasov will review the Grievance and conduct an investigation of the Grievance to the extent he deems necessary. Upon completing that investigation, Andrei Krivokrasov may: (i) independently try and resolve the Grievance in any manner that he believes is in the best interest of all parties involved with the 


Grievance; and/or (ii) Andrei Krivokrasov may decide to designate a committee to try and resolve the Grievance. 

8. Upon being referred a Grievance, Andrei Krivokrasov, or a person or committee designated by Andrei Krivokrasov, may conduct investigations and carry out other fact finding procedures as the committee believes is appropriate in order to gain as much information about the Grievance. Once Andrei Krivokrasov or a person or committee designated by him completes its  

investigation, it will make a decision/resolution regarding the Grievance and will communicate that decision/resolution to Andrei Krivokrasov, the Complainant and other parties involved in the Grievance. 

9. Any decision/resolution of the committee shall be approved by Andrei Krivokrasov. Upon Andrei Krivokrasov’s approval, the decision is final and is not subject to further appeal.  


The Grievance Procedures were written to provide for a "loose" governing structure with respect to responding to a Grievance so that the Team Manager and Andrei Krivokrasov enjoy as much flexibility as reasonably possible to deal with a variety of Grievances that will arise from time to time. Should a member have any questions regarding Grievance Procedures, please contact Andrei Krivokrasov.  

Comments, questions and concerns regarding: players, managers, or coaches of other teams; referees; Krivo School of Hockey or other associations, or other leagues; CAHA; or USA Hockey shall be directed first to the appropriate team manager. After that, the appropriate chain of command will be to Andrei Krivokrasov. 

Please note: At this time, there is no Executive Committee or Board of Directors. Andrei Krivokrasov is the sole decision maker. If Andrei Krivokrasov designates an individual or committee, they will act accordingly, and the above examples will be more applicable.


XXII. Player Release Policy 

Krivo School of Hockey Elite players require to obtain “Player Release Form”, for INCOMING or OUTGOING PLAYERS even if or for specific time period, before a player is authorized to participate with our or another hockey program. This includes: team tryouts, tournament play, spring hockey programs. 

XXIII. Coaches, Managers, Members registration requirements 

Krivo School of Hockey Elite require each coach, team manager, that has contact with players to register on-line with CAHA each season and provide a confirmation copy in e-mail format to Krivo School of Hockey Elite General Manager, Thais Krivokrasov or President Andrei Krivokrasov. (Krivo School of Hockey Elite does not have a Board) KSOHE is responsible to obtain background checks of other members such as parent volunteer, locker room monitors, and/or other members who has direct contact with players. 

XXIV. Membership Policies. 

Each season Krivo School of Hockey Elite parent /s must sign parent code of conduct to comply with USA Hockey and CAHA zero tolerance policy. Parent/s carries on a membership, representing Krivo School of Hockey Elite Club. Each parent/s is subject to fines and/or suspension for violations of USA Hockey or CAHA Policies.  

XXV. Avs Cares Program. 

In Support of SafeSport Program Krivo School of Hockey Elite require at least one parent to register with CAHA/Avs Cares Program each season.

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